Learned something new? Blog it!

During the course of the many ghostwriting projects I undertake at Tech Write, research plays a critical part in helping me create compelling content for clients. The added benefit of this ‘reading around a subject’ is that I often find out interesting tips and tricks which go on to form the basis of future blog posts or articles for those same clients.

And herein lies a useful piece of advice – if you come across a useful piece of information related to your business, products or services, you should probably write it down and share it.

Why? There are two reasons. Firstly, if the information or concept you discover is brand new to you, chances are that at least some of the people reading your material have no idea either. By sharing useful knowledge you help increase your profile as an expert in your field. And even if your readers did know, at least they know you know – vital for building trust and confidence in you and your business.

And the second reason? One of the best ways to truly learn an idea is to try and teach someone else about it. In the process of converting new information into your own words, you must logically sort through the details helping to solidify them in your own understanding. Getting the concept right in your head helps avoid the possibility of looking a fool later on when people ask questions. Any student of medicine will tell you this process works as they too are educated under a principle of “see one, do one, teach one”.

So next time you are reading a book or surfing the web and find yourself saying ‘I never knew that before’, grab a pen and make a note. Even if you have your blog ghostwritten by someone else, the information is gold for web content purposes so get it posted!
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Check out the recent blog post about the business  importance of sharing information on the web, and then drop me a line to find out how Tech Write’s research and writing services could benefit you.

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